Korean Products Exhibition Center in India
한국상품 상설 전시장
KEC India will do its best to help Korean companies enter the Indian market by connecting excellent products with Indian buyers, and we provide one-stop services for entering the Indian market such as import/export agency, matching Indian buyers, reviewing Indian products, and market research and so on.
KEC India는 우수한 상품을 인도 바이어와 연결하여 한국 기업의 인도 시장 진출을 돕기 위해 최선을 다할 것이며, 수출입 대행, 인도 바이어 매칭, 인도 상품 리뷰, 인도 시장 진출을 위한 원스톱 서비스를 제공합니다.
Investment Briefing Session at KEC
This Investment Briefing Session is proposed to serve as a beacon, illuminating the path to investing in a diverse, vibrant nation like India. The event was attended by a diverse group of Korean prospects interested in building a robust foundation for new business ventures and partnerships. The event’s primary focus was to provide insights into BRICS India’s strategic direction and future prospects while fostering active participation from key stakeholders.
CheongKwanJang Korean Red Ginseng in India
Samyang Buldak Ramen: spicy Korean ramen (noodles)
Kwangcheonkim Olive Seasoned Seaweed & Roasted Seaweed (K-gim)
Brics India is a specialized company in trade between Korea and India with 23 years of experience in the Indian market. Brics India is growing with its partners based on its management philosophy of trust.
Brics India는 인도시장 비즈니스 23년 경력의 한-인도 무역전문기업입니다. 브릭스 인디아는 신뢰를 바탕으로 파트너사와 함께 성장하고 있습니다.
If you have any inquiries about Korean product exhibitions or entering the Indian market, we will respond immediately. Indian buyers and Indian consumers for the KEC India Korean product exhibition hall, please contact the contact information below.
한국상품 전시, 인도 시장 진출 등에 대해 문의주시면 즉시 답변 드리겠습니다.
KEC India, Tel. 01244282696 Mob.143461 Gr, Plot 149, Sector 44 Rd, Gurugram, Haryana 1220support@